What Designer Brand Are You? | QUIZ

Picture of Lea Plörer
Take this quiz to find out what designer brand suits you best. Are you innovative like CDG or an iconic classic like Chanel?
What designer suits you? Chanel vs. Comme des garcons

Table of Contents

What Designer Brand Are You? | QUIZ

1 / 8

How much value do you place on brand logos?

2 / 8

Which accessory couldn't you live without?

3 / 8

Where is your favourite place to shop?

4 / 8

Which of these events would you actually attend?

5 / 8

Which celebrity inspires your style the most?

6 / 8

Which colours dominate your wardrobe?

7 / 8

What is most important to you when it comes to clothing?

8 / 8

How would you describe your fashion style?

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